by ecomatt | Feb 7, 2022
Stop Motion Using Printed Card These characters were animated in 2D and printed frame-by-frame on card. These cards were placed into shot one at a time to interact with each other and the central calendar on a 3D...
by ecomatt | Feb 2, 2022
Claymation This little fella was built as a puppet using a metal armature covered in plasticine. He was animated using stop motion against green screen and then composited together with the other visual...
by ecomatt | Feb 2, 2022
Clay on Glass This head was made out of plasticine and sculpted on a piece of glass against green screen. It was animated and then composited against the rest of the background...
by ecomatt | Feb 2, 2022
Clay on Glass This little bird was made of plasticine and animated on glass against green screen. The textured background was then added and the white line animated in...
by ecomatt | Feb 2, 2022
Hand Drawing in Stop Motion Stop motion was used to position the hand as it followed the outline of the drawn character. This drawn line was however built and animated in 2D then composited in...