Ryan Gander Art Installation

Ryan Gander Art Installation

As It Presents Itself The above snippet is taken from a 5 minute stop motion animation titled ‘As it Presents Itself’ produced for Beck’s Futures short-listed artist Ryan Gander with the support of Picture This. The short film featured plasticine caricatures including...
The Blunderbustle

The Blunderbustle

The Blunderbustle Young ladies!   Are you flummoxed by fashion, daunted by new developments, made uneasy by modernity? Fear not!  For the Glorious Claptraptions Company is here to ease you on your path to progress. Avert anxiety, dispatch doubt and assert your...
You Must Be Joking

You Must Be Joking

You Must Be Joking WONKY’s short film ‘You Must Be Joking’ features the live perfomance of the comedian Adam Bloom. It premiered at the BFI where it was screened along side live performances by the comedians Shazia Mirza and Josh Howie as part of the UK Jewish Film...
Knit n Purl

Knit n Purl

Knit ‘n’ Purl Knit ‘n’ Purl is a series of 4 short stop motion films, featuring the characters Knit and Purl. These little fellas have been busy winning the Bablegum film festival’s Jury Runner Up Award and appearing on BBC Big Screens across...
The Nether Regions

The Nether Regions

The Nether Regions The Nether Regions is a stop motion short film directed by Maria Lee and produced by WONKY Films. The short film features the booming voice of Brian Blessed as the Devil… Welcome to the Nether Regions; or by its official title “Hell – The Nether...